Is your past a story you keep telling yourself?

Remember, it’s not a club to belong to!

Instead, allow yourself to propel forward and those with resiliency are always the ones that do…

Is your past a story you keep telling yourself?

Remember, it’s not a club to belong to!

Instead, allow yourself to propel forward and those with resiliency are always the ones that do…

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Episode 121 – How to Harness the Energy of Infinite Potential with Danny Morel

Episode 121 – How to Harness the Energy of Infinite Potential with Danny Morel

There is an increasing awareness in the world today that our shared reality is simply layer upon layer of energy, created by people like you and me, and that what we see around us is nothing more than an expression of our internal universe. These ideas are not new, they have been with us for thousands of years, but as modern science continues to catch up to ancient wisdom, they are being recieved by more people than ever before.

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Episode 120 – How to Start a Journey to Yourself with Johan van Vuuren

Episode 120 – How to Start a Journey to Yourself with Johan van Vuuren

How many of us have ever wanted to leave everything behind, head out on a great adventure and explore this magnificent reality we have been gifted? It’s a common aspiration, but all too often we are experts at finding reasons to delay, to postpone, or just abandon the idea altogether. We are taught that those kind of experiences are for others, not for us, that we should just accept the way things are, the circumstances we’re in, without dreaming of anything more.

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Episode 118 – Our Fundamental Right To Exist with Mark Meuser

Episode 118 – Our Fundamental Right To Exist with Mark Meuser

We are all born free. We feel it, in the deepest recesses of our hearts. Everyone, from the youngest child to the wise elder, is aware that their choices are their own, by right. This our fundamental right to exist, to express our sovereignty in whatever way best pleases us, to go forth and move forward, to create a world in an image of our divinity.

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Episode 117 – How to Find Your Path of Faith with Dr. Jake Tayler Jacobs

Episode 117 – How to Find Your Path of Faith with Dr. Jake Tayler Jacobs

Faith isn’t something that many people keep in the forefront of their minds when it comes to making decisions, but in fact it’s absolutely central to everything in life. Where else can we find the strength to manifest a new reality? Whether you’re trying to build a brand, spread a powerful idea or just dive in to a deeper understanding of yourself, it’s the power of faith that will ultimately take you there.

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Episode 115 – How to Establish Strength in Your Sense of Self with Logan Sneed

Episode 115 – How to Establish Strength in Your Sense of Self with Logan Sneed

The world is full of impossible things, and people trying to tell us what can and can’t be done. But the world is also full of people who continually challenge that idea, push boundaries, and shatter limitations.
There is only one source of strength sufficient to overcome the barriers of a society trained to accept things the way they are – the infinite power of our deepest heart wisdom.

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Episode 114 – How to Recalibrate your Earthly Resonance with Charles Clay

Episode 114 – How to Recalibrate your Earthly Resonance with Charles Clay

In this life, things won’t always go your way unless you are willing to go the way of life. It is from the sadness that we understand the power of joy, the loneliness which teaches us how to appreciate the special people in our life, and guilt that shows us the light of divine pride and glory. If we move through life expecting always to be happy, to always feel motivated and confident, we will inevitably encounter disappointment. And if we are not trained in appreciating those negative emotional states, then they can take a heavy toll on us.

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Episode 113 – How to Nourish the Power of Kindness with Craig Siegel

Episode 113 – How to Nourish the Power of Kindness with Craig Siegel

Happiness is like a candle in the darkness, its light can shine for all to see, and when it is shared with others nothing is lost, the illumination only increases. This is the approach we must have if we really want to create a better world. Kindness is the fundamental condition of love in action, the most basic and yet most precious expression of our deepest nature.

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