Is your past a story you keep telling yourself?
Remember, it’s not a club to belong to!
Instead, allow yourself to propel forward and those with resiliency are always the ones that do…

Is your past a story you keep telling yourself?
Remember, it’s not a club to belong to!
Instead, allow yourself to propel forward and those with resiliency are always the ones that do…
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Episode 92. How To Embrace The Wisdom Of Your Intuition with Britnie Turner
Nobody is responsible for your life but you. Does that sound scary? It shouldn’t.
So many people in this world are driven by fear, fear of judgement from other people, fear of failure, and even fear of themselves. Taking responsibility for our life is a big deal, but whether we do it or not doesn’t change the basic reality. We are all on our own path, and while people may come and go from our lives, and we can try and put the responsibility for our choices on them, at the end of the day it all comes back to us.

Episode 91. How To Ignite The Brilliance Of Your Life with Stephen Scoggins
Where you are today doesn’t have to define your tomorrow.
Whatever your situation right now, it doesn’t take much to transform your life, you just need the right elements in place. Maybe you’re holding on to some negativity or suffering from your past, maybe that makes you doubt yourself, and question whether you’ve really got what it takes to bring about real positive change. Maybe you’re stuck in the same old daily routine. If that sounds like you, if your past is dragging you down, then you need to think seriously about changing your environment.

Episode 90. How To Enrich Your Life and Live It To The Fullest with Laura Hof
Everyone talks about self love as if it’s something that just appears out of nowhere, as if we should just expect to love ourselves infinitely without any effort, but it’s more complicated than that. Everyone is looking for love, it’s part of being human, but if we don’t feel it from ourselves we become dependent on getting it from other people. That can start us on a dangerous path of focusing on what other people think of us and trying to please them, instead of focusing on our own legitimate needs.

Episode 89 – How To Live Every Moment And Love Every Day with Adam Roa
Everyone talks about self love as if it’s something that just appears out of nowhere, as if we should just expect to love ourselves infinitely without any effort, but it’s more complicated than that. Everyone is looking for love, it’s part of being human, but if we don’t feel it from ourselves we become dependent on getting it from other people. That can start us on a dangerous path of focusing on what other people think of us and trying to please them, instead of focusing on our own legitimate needs.

Episode 88 – How To Empower Your Choices With Knowledge with Sanja Kon
We live in an age of change. Everything we thought we knew about the world just a few years ago is suddenly being challenged by new ideas, and things that we were sure about suddenly find themselves called into question. And that’s great! It’s totally natural to hesitate a moment, or to be unsure about things that we don’t fully understand, and that’s exactly why the most important tool at your disposal is knowledge.

Episode 87 – How To Understand The True Meaning Behind Every Cathartic Moment That Happens In Your Life with Dave Hollis
When we’re at our lowest point, we often feel helpless and hope that some kind of miracle will just happen. But what we might have forgotten is that we actually have everything we need to fix things. We are the miracle. We have the tools inside us. Don’t just wait till someone comes and throws you a rope for you to climb up, build your own ladder instead. Think about it, where you are today didn’t just happen like that. It took pain, struggle, and tears. Push yourself beyond what you think you can handle. In fact, forget what you think, and trust what you believe. It will reconfigure your capacity to overcome.

Episode 86 – How To Effortlessly Draw The Best Out Of Yourself With Oren Harris
These days it’s become all about strategy, always trying to be two steps ahead of everyone else, second guessing ourselves and everyone around us, but is that really the path to fulfillment and happiness? Aren’t we at risk of just trying to win at someone else’s game?
If we were able to retain our natural human focus, we would always ask those kinds of great questions.

Episode 85 – Ever Feel Like Your Living A Nightmare With Maria Betancur
Many of us are too scared to see what the future looks like. We are too scared because we think we’re not able to move forward.
When you know that you’ve done all the hard work for you to get you where you are today, and you’re in love with who you are. There is no more looking back.

Episode 84 – How To Build A Broad Vision Of The World Through Acceptance And Change With Anthony Trucks
Have you ever wondered what life means to you?
Life means whatever you want it to mean, only you know what is good for you and what really makes you happy. Do not allow others to implant in you ideals about what you should do or where you should go. Turn a deaf ear to criticism and external opinions that do not add up to you.

Episode 83 – How To Build A Successful Business Based On Educational Marketing With Damian Lanfranchi
When we are entrepreneurs, most people do not know our history. They do not know why we decided to enter as such, the risky decisions we have made and the situations we have faced.
In every project, there are ups and downs, but it depends on ourselves, to give it direction, meaning and strength, for this there are golden rules that we must take into account.

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